Author: Thomas Seifried, trademark lawyer Europe and trademark lawyer Germany
Your trademark lawyer in Europe
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Trademark lawyer Thomas Seifried has over 20 years of experience in European trademark law and has also been a German specialist attorney for intellectual property law ("Fachanwalt fuer gewerblichen Rechtsschutz") since 2007. He is an author of specialized books and has conducted many successful proceedings before courts and the trademark offices.
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Why is the Amazon Brand Registry valuable in Germany and other marketplaces?
Brand registration poses as a crucial step for many businesses worldwide and there are many good reasons for trademark registration through trademark offices such as the EUIPO or DPMA:
- Consumers can distinguish goods bearing the trademark from those of other companies.
- Trademarks create consumer trust
- trademark protection can be extended to further countries or territories
- Others may be stopped from using the same or similar trademarks.
- The trademark can prevent the registration of the same or similar trademarks by other companies. others can have the use of an identical or similar trademark prohibited by court order.
These protections and rights work for most marketplaces. However, there are good reasons to additionally register the trademark with Amazon Brand Registry.
Example: counterfeited products
Once you have filed or registered your trademark with your lawyer, you can enroll your trademark in Amazon Brand Registry. You’ll then have easier control over your products, how their listings are represented and as a result, how your brand is perceived.
A common problem for sellers without an Amazon trademark is found in counterfeit products or fakes. Having enrolled your trademark in Amazon Brand Registry, Amazon provides various tools to enhance trademark protection. With Amazon's tools, products that infringe trademark rights on Amazon Marketplace can be reported and infringing offers can be deleted.
The Amazon Brand Registry comes with additional benefits besides IP and brand protection.
What does brand registry cover on Amazon in Germany?
Much like a trademark registration, the Amazon Brand Registry can cover different types of marks. Word marks as well as word/figurative marks fall under the protection of your Amazon trademark.
In terms of product categories or specific items, the Amazon trademark doesn’t cover all groups. Not included in the Amazon trademark are most collectables or data carriers – most notably:
- Books
- Videos
- Music recordings
Most other categories can be enrolled with Amazon Brand Registry. Examples of commonly covered items or classes are clothing- or accessory-items, electronics, personal care products or outdoor equipment.
Your advantages as a seller with Amazon Brand Registry
The greatest and most obvious advantage of the Amazon Brand Registry is its enhanced brand search, protection and enforcement tools. Setting up your trademark with your lawyer and enroll it in Amazon Brand Registry allows you to benefit from
- reporting tools for searching and reporting trademark violations and submit these to Amazon to have infringing listings deleted from Amazon
In addition to that Amazon provides further programs for enrolled brands that enhance brand protection:
- ”Transparancy” allows trademark owners to apply for unique 2D-barcodes which identify units as authentic
- ”Project Zero” removes counterfeit listings immediately without contacting Amazon
- Amazon’s own Conterfeit Crimes Unit
However, registered Amazon Brands receive even more benefits. Amazon has further programs that go beyond brand protection. Enrolled brands enjoy eligibility of activating additional Amazon selling tools like
- With “A+ Content” tool you can add more information to your products like enhanced images, product comparison charts etc.
- Access to Sponsored Brands Ads
- The opportunity to open a brand store
- Greater brand customization and advanced brand analytic and experiment tool
Amazon's Brand Registry in Germany – the process broken down
If you wish to register a trademark at Amazon's trademark registration for the German Marketplace, you must provide the following information:
- Your trademark application or trademark registration with registration number of the relevant trademark office (e.g. EUIPO, DPMA). Amazon currently accepts trademarks and trademark applications from the following countries: USA, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, India, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom and the European Union.
- Amazon sends the verification code to the contact listed in the trademark register via email.
- The product categories (e.g. clothing, sports & leisure, electronics) in which the brand is to be listed.
- The countries in which the products marked with the brand are manufactured.
We act as your Amazon trademark lawyer who confirms you as trademark owner and sends you the verification code.
Call us on + 49 69 91 50 76-0 or send us a message using our contact form. We will contact you immediately.
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